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Spiritual Playground

Film, Writing & an Exploration of Consciousness.

Rachel is a filmmaker and writer living in Los Angeles. Rachel brings a unique perspective to her work. Her tireless, unquenchable search for internal happiness and peace is the driving force behind her work.

Rachel blends her lifetime background in the creation of original theater with her newly inspired & acquired filmmaking skills, the spiritual philosophy behind daily 12-step meetings, along with years of family dysfunction.

This synergistic combination of creativity, spirituality, humor, commitment to self-growth (as well as prolonged periods of internal self-torment) create Spiritual Playground.

Of most interest is that Rachel is also human like you! Trapped and bound in the human condition. Dealing daily with the gaping disparity between her vision for her life, and her actual life.

Spiritual Playground explores the inescapable human condition from a spiritual perspective. From what Rachel has observed, although highly desired, no one can really get a free pass for long when it comes to being human.

Stay tuned for some humorous, interpersonal adventures ahead …